Henry Ford




City of birth: Greenfield
Country of birth: United States
Field of activity: Economics — manufacturing, management, business

More detail coming ...



Donald Trump


Donald Trump

Title of the publication

‘Trump Invokes Anti-Semite Henry Ford after Accusing Jewish Democrats of Disloyalty’

Other contributors

Sanjana Karanth, journalist

Publisher (or journal name with vol. and number)

Huffington Post

City of publication

New York

Country of publication (modern nation-state equivalent)

United States of America

Publication date

22 August 2019

Location [pp. or web]


Original language



New and opinion website and blog


American President, Donald Trump, tweets in relation to car companies opting to follow California’s stricter emission standards, opposing the president’s rollbacks that would worsen air pollution and speed up climate change.

‘Worry is one of the most wasteful things in the world. Men say they are worried about communism or government interference, or their competitors. If they stopped worrying they could attend to their own business more efficiently, and that is the surest defence against the very things they fear. … I have never forgotten the first machine I ever saw traveling along a road under its own power. I was about twelve years old at the time — it must have been in 1875 — and I was driving along a country road near Detroit in my father’s wagon. It was the kind of steam engine I had seen before, hauled around by horses from one farm to another to drive the threshing machine or a sawmill. But this had no horses. It went by itself. The sight fascinated me. In a jiffy I hopped off the wagon, ran over to the wonder-machine and began questioning the driver. He stopped the machine and showed me proudly how a chain, running from the engine back to the rear wheels, gave them motion. That machine was heavy, expensive, cumbersome, jolting and made a fearful racket. Yet how wonderful it seemed sixty hears ago. Just so, many of the things which seem wonderful and convenient to us today will seem absurdly primitive to the eyes of the year 1995. … What I greatly hope for these children everywhere, is a new attitude toward life — free from the gullibility which thinks we can get something for nothing; free from the greed which thinks any permanent good can come of overreaching others; and, above all, expectant of change, so that when life gives them a jolt they will be fully prepared to push on eagerly along new lines.’


Henry Ford


Henry Ford

Title of the publication

Things I’ve Been Thinking About

Other contributors


Publisher (or journal name with vol. and number)

Fleming H. Revell Company

City of publication

New York

Country of publication (modern nation-state equivalent)

United States of America

Publication date


Location [pp. or web]


Original language





The text was first published in American Magazine, a periodical publication founded in June 1906 and published through August 1956.

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