Ludwig van Beethoven




City of birth: Bonn
Country of birth: Germany
Field of activity: Culture — music

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Victor Frederick Weisskeopf

Title of the publication

Sympathetic Vibrations

Other contributors

K.C. Cole, author

Publisher (or journal name with vol. and number)

W. Morrow

City of publication

New York

Country of publication (modern nation-state equivalent)

United States of America

Publication date


Location [pp. or web]

p. 78

Original language





Victor Frederick Weisskeopf (1908–2002) was an Austrian born American based theoretical physicist. His Doctoral advisor was Max Born and he went on to work extensively with Neils Bohr exploring the atom. During World War II, after moving to America, he was appointed Group Leader of the Theoretical Division of the Manhattan Project at Los Alamos. In 1981 he led a team of four scientists sent by Pope John Paul II to talk to President Ronald Reagan about the need to prohibit the use of nuclear weapons. K.C. Cole is an American science-writer, author, radio commentator, and professor emerita at the USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism. Her book Sympathetic Vibrations we re-released in 1999 with the title, First You Build a Cloud, and Other Reflections on Physics as a Way of Life.

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